BRONCO® CEMPU GROUT is Aqua-reactive PU Based Expanding Grouting Compound
Area Of Application
It has versatile uses and it is normally considered to be the lastresort, when all conventional grouting methods to stop leakages have failed.
It has successfully performed under certain most challenging conditions, where satisfied users have referred it as a magic product, to achieve almost impossible solutions.
It has very remarkable solidifying properties even in ground where water flow is violent. It stops water from oozing and solidifies the ground with high strength.
It exerts successful solidifying property in all types of water, such as sea water, mineral water and those containing acid and alkali.
It is extremely stable both chemically and physically and will not be damaged by any Bacterium.
It is completely non‐pollutant to the water it contacts and has no effect on potable water, fish or marine life.
The coefficient of permeability of 10 -7 to 10 -8 mm /sec.
Indicates the impermeability of soil solidified by BRONCO CEMPU GROUT. This also accounts for the excellent property of CEMPU GROUT in stopping water from oozing.
It possesses excellent adhesiveness to soil particles and it is therefore also useful in landslide prevention.